Search Results for: MARR121912 - Groom

John Brockbank

9 May 1848 - Married Mary Darlington

Property NameProperty Value
First Name (With Contractions)John
First Name (Without Contractions)John
Spouse's Occupation (As Documented)Dressmaker
Spouse's Occupation (Standardised)Dressmaker
ParishSt Clement, Toxteth, Lancashire
Date Of Marriage9 May 1848
Occupation (As Documented)Sailor
Occupation (Standardised)Mariner
Occupation (HISCO Code)98135
Minor Or FullFull
WitnessesJane Blackmore, (X); Saml. Breeze
Marriage TypeBanns
Marrying MinisterFrederick Parry B. D
NotesBy an oversight the married name is here signed by the bride instead of the maiden one 'Darlington' it is correctly signed in the other register.F. P.
RegisterMarriages 1842 - 1868, Page 31, Entry 62
SourceLDS Film 2147910
Witnessed ByJane Blackmore
Witnessed BySaml. Breeze
Married ToMary Darlington

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